Keynote Speaker on Startups, Marketing, Digitalization, and Innovation.
I regularly give talks and keynotes on startups, marketing, digitalization, and innovation - especially about what established companies can learn from startups and how startups operate and think.
But I also speak about trends and the trade of tomorrow, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
I speak at universities, at conferences, and for companies.
If you would like to book me for a keynote, please contact the London Speaker Bureau, Germany.
🇩🇪 Ich halte regelmäßig Vorträge und Keynotes über Startups, Marketing, Digitalisierung und Innovation - insbesondere darüber, was etablierte Unternehmen von Startups lernen können und wie Startups funktionieren und denken.
Aber ich spreche auch über Trends und den Handel von morgen, Leadership und Entrepreneurship.
Ich spreche an Universitäten, auf Konferenzen und für Unternehmen.
Für Vorträge und Anfragen als Speaker vertritt mich das London Speaker Büro Deutschland.
Bitte nehmen Sie für eine Vortragsanfrage direkt mit dem dortigen Team Kontakt auf, vielen Dank!
Connect - Digital Commerce Conference, Zürich, Foto: Boris Baldinger
Endorsements und Empfehlungen
Max Wittrock is not only an entrepreneur but a gifted speaker as well. With just a few ingredients – a large helping of humor, a dash of keen business sense, and powerful images – he explains how perfect communication can turn a spontaneous business idea into a recipe for success. That is how he enthralls his audience.
Eberhard Weiblen, President and CEO of Porsche Consulting
Ebeltoft Group invited Max to co-present at the annual Big Show of the National Retail Federation in New York City, where he spoke about Entrepreneurship, mymuesli, and how to succeed as a retail Startup. The session, a packed room with 1200 people, was very well received and Max gave an inspiring presentation to a truly international audience. We certainly would recommend Max as a speaker. Our experience has been great and throughout our collaborations he showed much professional competence and great abilities as speaker!
Lourens Verweij, EBELTOFT GROUP, International Retail Experts
Max shared the story of mymuesli and his thoughts on entrepreneurship with the class. The EMBA participants were thrilled and raved about Max and mymuesli. In fact, several of them went out and bought mymuesli products already
Prof. Dr. Godwin Wong (Ph.D. Harvard)
(Conducted executive MBA seminar on “eCommerce Entrepreneurship” at Mannheim Business School, Germany)